Saturday, October 16, 2010

Oct 27, 2010 Will Be 50 Years!

Dick and Marge will celebrate 50 years of wedded bliss on Oct. 27th. The kids are sharing this blog with you that we will "unveil" to them next weekend when we celebrate in Fairmont. Let's have some laughs and take a walk down Memory Lane!
This is PROM! May 3, 1959. We will have to ask them who's car they drove to Prom, and what was it? Do you think they had a curfew?
What car did you drive to Prom?


  1. Congradulations.!! I still remember the engagement Call !! I hope you have a great time celabrating. Maureen

  2. Hi, I still remember the engagement as well. I was visiting Marge Jo in Minneapolis at her apartment and she had just gotten the ring. How exciting. Congratulations you, too. Thanks for keeping me so in touch with Fairmont. You are great friends for over 50 years!

    Mary Kay

  3. Did you save the dress? A la "mad Men" it's styling again! Carol
